Thursday, 4 August 2011

Another Quick Personal Update

I like watching the stats of my blog. I find it quite interesting that people (around the world!) would read what I write. I don't mean this in a pseudo-humble/I-don't-deserve-this kind of way. I mean it is quite amazing that I can go to my computer, write some things down, and some people will actually read it. The numbers are not what I find so interesting; it is the personal information. I like seeing how people from other countries have viewed my site. What has really intrigued me lately is the traffic source. As expected, a large majority of people are from either Premed101 or Medrunner. What is really interesting is the Google keywords that brought people to my blog. Since I only have one more class to go for my first year reviews, I had been thinking on what to do next...

I've decided I'm going to make a post soon related to all the major searches that bring people here. If I can decipher what information the people were looking for in their search, I will try to answer it. As well, if anyone posts comments on that post I will also answer it there. Instead of constantly adding new posts as people find this blog via Google, I will continuously update that post....
In fact... because I'm getting excited by this idea I think I may start the post tonight! (Doesn't mean it will be finished tonight. Last post took 3 days and it's not even 100% complete)

For those of you that care:
My wife and I have moved all of our stuff to Vancouver and we're quite excited for our fall semesters. Due to financial reasons and how well my job in Victoria pays, we have opted for myself to stay in Victoria for weekdays while I work and then commute to Vancouver for the weekends.
I won't lie: I miss my wife, a lot. But, I get to see her tomorrow! :)


  1. You're a pretty good writer. :) That's why! I feel the same way about my stuff. Don't worry! I added you to my pre-med blog links. Take care.

  2. Thank you for all your kind comments! :)
