Sooo I've been off here for a long while... here is a quick update:
1. University is a lot of work (more so than college)... duh! But, even more so than I had suspected. Which segways nicely to...
2. My advice: if you are confident on your ability to get a decent repetoire of non-academic experiences (aka volunteering), I HIGHLY encourage any person to take two years of college instead of University. I almost guarantee you that your GPA will be higher than if you didn't, and as I said in one of my first posts, GPA is number one priority.
3. I hope to get back on to this thing. I decided a few days ago I'd get back on track with this, but got severely sick. Now I'm behind on my school work, so once I catch up I'll hopefully be back on the blog wagon.
OH and PS... Go Winnipeg Jets :D (I have a team again!!!)